Regulations and Conditions of Stay

1. Arrival and departure

Check-in: from 15:00 to 20:00
Check-out: from 08:00 to 10:00 a.m.
If the needs of the Guest require an early departure from the official check-out time, it may be agreed with the Management an early check-out at no extra cost.


2. Access to the Garden SPA
To enjoy in total privacy the pleasure of our Garden Spa it is possible to book the private use of the wellness centre for 2 people (60 minutes, from 08.00 to 20.00 depending on availability).
Before and after each use the rooms are completely sanitized.


3. iConic B&B Wellness Resort “smoke free” 
The entire iConic B&B Wellness Resort is smoke free. However, we cannot forget that there is an essential need for some of our loyal guests.
For this reason we have prepared a specific outdoor area dedicated to smokers, furnished with an elegant living room and equipped with functional steel ashtrays, pleasantly placed near a centuries-old olive tree.
Smoking is also forbidden in the pool and on the terraces, to avoid that the smoke of a cigarette or cigar can reach the adjacent guests or their rooms.

In the unfortunate situation in which we should see the smell of smoke in the room, we will be forced to make an extraordinary cleaning and sanitization of the room at a cost of 300 € (three hundred), for each day in which we will be called to do it, a sum that will be charged to his guest.

We are however sure that all our kind and respectful customers take care of his accommodation, even in respect of guests to come.


4. Silence, order, demeanor and behaviour

4.1 During the hours 13:00-15:00 and 23:30-08:00 any noise that might disturb the rest of the Guests is forbidden, including a loud voice tone. The use of radio and television is allowed with extreme moderation and, in any case, in absolute respect of the time of silence.

4.2 It is forbidden to use electric and/or electronic musical instruments in the rooms of the Hotel.

4.3 Inside the Hotel, it is required a decent clothing and respectful of the sensitivity and modesty of others, is not allowed to circulate in swimsuit or topless.

4.4 It is not allowed to enter areas reserved for the staff of the Hotel.

4.5 It is not permitted to consume food and drink from outside facilities (including delivery services).

4.6 For hygienic reasons it is not allowed to bring food or drink in the minibar of your room, if necessary contact the Management.

4.7 It is not allowed to throw cards or rubbish out of the appropriate baskets.

4.8 It is not allowed to enter with weapons, knives, sticks or instruments considered blunt.

4.9 The Management, as required by the laws of the Italian Republic, has the right to expel without notice anyone who does not comply with the Regulations or behaves in a way that creates damage or disturbance.

4.10 The Personnel appointed by the Management is obliged to ensure that the Regulations are respected by everyone. Each customer in the act of accepting hospitality in the hotel also contractually agrees to submit to the Authority of said staff, which is in turn obliged to always respect the laws of the Italian Republic and the principles commonly accepted by our culture of courtesy and good manners.


5. Methods of payment

5.1 The balance of the amount due must be paid in accordance with the booking and accommodation conditions. At the time of the balance must be communicated any use of minibar not yet detected by the staff of the hotel.

5.2 The method of payment is agreed between the parties depending on the period of stay (bank transfer, credit cards, other payment methods).

5.3 For cancellations made after the cancellation period, the payment of the penalty for the stay will be charged.

5.4 The Management reserves the right to verify the validity of the credit card provided as a guarantee through the pre-authorization of the amount provided as penalty.

5.5 The Management reserves the right to cancel bookings for which no valid guarantees are provided.


6. Cancellation policy

Up to 48 hours before the day of arrival: no penalty;
from 48 hours to the day of arrival: 100% charge of the total cost of the reservation.
in case of no-show 100% of the total cost of the reservation will be charged.
With the exception of the High Season and Very High Season periods listed below.


High season
28/04/24 – 04/05/24
14/05/24 – 09/08/24
25/08/24 – 12/10/24
17/10/24 – 19/10/24
31/10/24 – 02/11/24
26/11/24 – 30/11/24
21/12/24 – 30/12/24
01/01/25 – 05/01/25
Up to 5 days from the day of arrival: no penalty;
from 5 days to the day of arrival: 100% charge of the total cost of the reservation.
in case of no-show 100% of the total cost of the reservation will be charged.



Very High season
29/03/24 – 31/03/24
24/04/24 – 27/04/24
10/05/24 – 13/05/24
10/08/24 – 24/08/24
Up to 14 days from the day of arrival: no penalty;
from 14 days to the day of arrival: 100% charge of the total cost of the reservation.
In case of no-show 100% of the total cost of the reservation will be charged.

If a reservation is made for different seasons, the cancellation policy of the season with the earliest arrival date will be applied.



Credit Cards
Should the reservation be guaranteed by credit card, either by verbal or written communication, the iConic Wellness Resort will proceed with the charge after the expiry of the free cancellation policy.
If the credit card guarantee does not have sufficient capacity for payment, the reservation will be considered invalid and therefore cancelled.
For the calculation of the days in advance, the days preceding the day of arrival shall be taken into account, which is always excluded.




The pool is open seasonally from May to September.
This period may vary depending on weather conditions. We recommend that you ask for confirmation of the pool’s opening before making a reservation for your stay.


(1) Guests are required to comply with the following rules:
(2) Access to the iCon Resort guests is allowed.
(3) It is possible to access the swimming pool at the following times: 09.00 – 19.00.
(4) Access to children under 12 and unaccompanied persons is forbidden due to the absence of the wetting attendant.
(5) The depth of the pool is 1,50 meters in all its parts.
(6) It is forbidden to dive and run on the pool level.
(7) It is recommended not to get wet less than three hours after eating a meal.
(8) Smoking is forbidden and it is not possible to consume food or drinks on the tub floor.
(9) It is mandatory to access the swimming pool by going to the shower where there is a foot shower that must be used before entering the water.
(10) It is forbidden to perform activities in apnea without the presence of a qualified instructor.
(11) It is forbidden to introduce animals.
(12) It is forbidden to use sunscreen and hair oils before entering the tank.
(13) It is forbidden to introduce in the pool bottles, glass objects and other objects not strictly related to bathing.
(14) It is forbidden to bathe in particular atmospheric conditions (storms).
(15) It is forbidden to enter the pool to people in an altered psychophysical state (drunkenness, drug abuses, etc.) or even in evident precarious conditions of health, such as to represent a risk for the safety of the subject.
(16) The management is not responsible in any way for any accidents, injuries, or other events that may occur to swimmers for their behaviors attributable to them, especially if in violation of this regulation.
(17) For children under the age of 3, as well as for physiologically incontinent users, the use of appropriate restraining costumes is mandatory.
(18) Enter the tub for people who have injuries, abrasions, lesions or skin changes of suspected infected nature (warts, dermatitis, fungal infections, etc.) and those affected by any other contagious disease. The person in charge of the service can ask the bathers to produce a medical statement proving the absence of such diseases.
(19) Use of the pool for those who can not swim. For children who can swim, bathing in the deep part of the pool is forbidden.
(20) The tub named with an island is NOT suitable for bathing. Signposts that inform this requirement are displayed.
(21) Introduce animals of all species into the pool and surrounding areas.
(22) Introducing cameras and shooting objects, glassware and spectacles or sunglasses into swimming pools. Swimming goggles must have plastic lenses.
(23) Circular or stand in the pool, in the surrounding space and in the annexed rooms without a swimsuit.
(24) Enter the swimming pool with walking shoes, the slippers or rubber shoes or clogs being compulsory.
(25) Smoking and consuming food or drink in the pool and surrounding areas, unless specifically authorized.
(26) To disturb the good order or the good performance of the service with inadequate behaviors or attitudes or to cause offense to the decorum and the moral.
(27) Spitting, urinating, defecating, spreading any type of liquid into the tank.
(28) Use radios and / or stereo equipment as well as disturb guests with noises and noises of any kind.
(29) Pushes, dives and jumps in water from the edge of the pool are prohibited. It is also forbidden to run in the immediate vicinity of the same, and use fins, masks or whatever else the Direction may consider dangerous to visitors to the pool.
(30) Enter un-accompanied children under the age of 14 in the pool and surrounding area.
(31) Given that, according to the Regional Law, the pool manager should take measures against bathers who do not comply with the requirements, we request your kind cooperation to comply with the legislation to which we are subject.


(1) Take a shower and wash your feet before entering the pool.
(2) Wear the headphones and the special glasses.
(3) Get out of the water as soon as possible in the event of thunderstorms.
(4) Use the appropriate waste bins of all kinds.
(5) Allow at least three hours to elapse between a meal and the bathroom.
(6) Scrupulously observe the opening and closing time.
(7) Close the umbrellas in case of wind.


The Management is not responsible:
a) any accidents, injuries, injuries or other events that may occur to swimmers due to their imputable behavior;
b) theft or loss of objects left unattended within the structure.


(1) The personnel responsible for carrying out the service is obliged to comply with this regulation.
(2) Anyone who does not comply with the provisions of these Regulations, is subject to verbal reminders and, in the presence of repeated non-compliance, to the removal from the plant without any right to reimbursement.
If the severity of the users’ behavior is such as to jeopardize the regular performance of the activities, the Municipal Police and / or the Public Safety Bodies can proceed to the forced removal of the interested parties and to sanction the same.


(1) All the structural parts of the pool as well as the equipment and material constituting the equipment of the same must be used in every respect. Any damage to these elements and / or to the areas surrounding the pool (including flower beds, lawns, flowers, plants, hedges, fence net) will be charged to the managers with immediate request for compensation for the costs incurred for the restoration.
(2) Public access may be limited in the event of overcrowding.


– Dimensions: ml. 10.00 x 5.00
– height cm. 150
– pool volume mc. 75,00
– balance tank volume: mc. 5.00
– total water volume: mc. 75,00
– recirculation time: 13 hours


09.00 – 19.00
(except for maintenance work on the plant and the lawn)







– Concierge 0575.964100


iConic B&B Wellness Resort by Basa Srl
Via Andrea della Robbia, 175
52100 Arezzo
tel. + 39 0575 964100
facebook: @iconicresort



Privacy Policy Statement – Information note pursuant to and for the purposes of Article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree No 196 dated June 30, 2003
In compliance with the Italian Legislative Decree No 196 dated June 30, 2003 on Privacy Code, together with subsequent amendments and additions, we herewith provide you with the necessary information on the purposes and methods of the processing of your Personal Data. This privacy statement applies only to our site and does not apply to other websites that the user may consult via links on the websites under the data controller’s domain name that shall not be held liable under any circumstances for websites of third parties. This information notice is provided pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No 196/2003 – Personal Data Protection Code. The information notice has also been based on the Recommendation No 2/2001 which was adopted on May 17, 2001 by the European Data Protection Authorities that convened as part of the Working Group under Article 29 of Directive No 95/46/EC. The purpose of this Recommendation was to identify certain minimum requirements for the on-line collection of personal data and, in particular, the methods, timescales and nature of the information the data controllers must provide to users when they visit web pages, regardless of the purpose of their visit, including the provisions provided for by Directive 2002/58/EC, and updated by Directive 2009/136/EC, on cookies.


1. DATA CONTROLLER is Basa Srl in the person of its pro-tempore legal representative, pursuant to Article 28 of the Italian Personal Data Protection Code.


DATA PROCESSOR is Paolo Campobasso c/o the Data Controller, pursuant to Article 29 of the Italian Personal Data Protection Code.


Personal identification data
‘Personal Data’ shall mean all information relating to a natural person, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, through reference to any other information, including a personal identification number. ‘Identification Data’ shall mean all of your personal information which permit direct identification of the Data Subject (e.g. first name, last name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address etc.) .
Browsing data
During their ordinary course of operation, the IT systems and software procedures required to run this website acquire certain Personal Data, whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with identified Data Subjects but, by its very nature, it could enable identification of the users through the processing and matching of data held by third parties.
This data category includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by the users who visit the site, as well as the URI addresses (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file received in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the reply from the server (done, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the IT environment of the user.
These data are only used to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the website and to control its correct functioning. They are cancelled immediately after processing.
Legal Defence
The user’s Personal Data may be used by the owner of the website in a legal defence, or during the preparatory stages of potential proceedings, against any abuse by the user of the website or its connected services. The data may be used to ascertain responsibility in the event of any potential computer crimes against the site.
The User’s Personal Data may be processed due to additional procedures and purposes linked to maintenance.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary dispatching of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this website and/or the completion of a data collection form entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to publish all comments received on the web site, as well as other personal data included in the email message.


Personal Data and any other Sensitive Data spontaneously provided shall be processed, unless the Data Subject objects to the processing, exclusively for the purposes of:
•    browsing on our website;
•    performing general administrative/accounting activities;
•    providing the information requested / disseminating your Personal Data and the comment You live in / through the data collection form in the specific sections of our website.


The processing shall be carried out automatically and/or manually, with methods and instruments that guarantee maximum security and confidentiality, carried out by authorised persons only in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 et seq. of the Italian Legislative Decree No 196/03. The data shall be retained for a period that does not exceed the purposes for which the data have been collected and subsequently processed.


Your Personal data collected to be processed shall not be disseminated, except and only to the extent expressed in this Privacy Policy and Consent Form. However, they may be communicated to companies that are contractually bound to Basa Srl, within the European Union, in accordance with and within the limits set forth in Article 42 of the Italian Legislative Decree No 196/2003. Personal Data may be transferred abroad to countries outside the EU, within the scope and within the limits imposed by Articles 43 and 44, letter b, of the Legislative Decree No 196/2003 in order to comply with contractual obligations and related purposes. The data may be communicated to third parties that fall under the following categories:
•    entities that provide management services for the computer system and the telecommunications networks (including e-mails) used by Basa Srl;
•    offices and organisations as part of support and consultancy relationships;
•    competent authorities to comply with legal obligations and/or provisions from public bodies, as requested.
The third parties that fall under these categories shall perform the role of Data Processors or operate in complete autonomy as separate Data Controllers. The list of Data Processors is constantly updated and available from the head offices of Basa Srl. Any further communication or dissemination shall be possible only after the explicit consent of the Data Subject.


The provision of data is necessary for browsing this website. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to browse the site.
The provision of data for the other purposes set out above is optional but necessary. As a matter of fact, if you refuse to provide the required data, we will not be able to perform closely related essential activities, such as providing you with any requested information/material or allowing you to benefit from the services of the Data Controller.


You may exercise your rights as expressed under Articles 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Italian Legislative Decree No 196 dated June 30, 2003, by contacting the Data Controller, by calling our head offices at the following phone number +39.0575.964100 – Mr. Paolo Campobasso, or by sending an e-mail to the following address You have the right to obtain confirmation at any time on the existence, or not, of your data and to know its contents and origin, to verify its accuracy or to request that it is supplemented, updated or corrected (Article 7 of the Italian Personal Data Protection Code). Pursuant to the same Article, you also have the right to request the cancellation, anonymisation or blocking of any data being processed illegally. You are also entitled to reject any processing of these data on legitimate grounds.
When contacting the Data Controller, please provide your e-mail address, name, address and/or telephone number(s) so your request can be handled correctly.


The Data Controller reserves the right to amend, update, supplement or remove parts of this Privacy Policy Statement at its own discretion and at any time. We encourage you to periodically review our Privacy Statement. For your convenience, when we post changes, we will revise the “last updated” date at the bottom of the statement. By using the website following the publication of any amendments, you agree to these changes.

Last update: October 21th 2023

The Data Controller is Basa Srl, via Andrea della Robbia, 175 – 52100 Arezzo Italy, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative.
The Data Processor is Mr. Paolo Campobasso c/o the Data Controller.